When Time Flies…

September 25, 2024

Never wear a watch to the casino.Why I Never Wear a Wristwatch to the Casino

Let me tell you a little secret: I never wear a wristwatch to the casino. And no, it’s not because I’m anti-time or have an aversion to ticking sounds (though that is a solid excuse if anyone asks). The truth is, time just vanishes the second I step inside a casino. So, why even bother trying to keep track of it?

Here’s the thing about casinos—they are like a magical time warp. You walk in thinking, “Oh, I’ll just play a quick hand of blackjack and maybe hit the slots for 15 minutes.” Then, suddenly, it’s two days later, your phone has 47 missed calls, and you’ve got 6,000 rewards points to a restaurant you didn’t know you earned. Wearing a wristwatch in this environment is like bringing a hairdryer to the pool. Completely useless.

Casinos are designed to make you forget time. There’s no sun. No moon. No clocks in sight. Just endless blinking lights, the sweet sound of coins clinking (okay, credits ringing, but still), and an atmosphere that makes you really want to try your luck at craps again. Wearing a wristwatch would just remind me that I probably should’ve called it a night hours ago, and who needs that kind of negativity in their life?

Plus, let’s not forget the sheer distraction factor. How am I supposed to focus on my lucky streak if I keep glancing at my watch to see how long I’ve been sitting at the slot machine? Time spent gambling is like time spent eating nachos—you only regret it if you keep track of how much you’ve consumed.

And let’s talk about the worst-case scenario: the watch hand tan line. Spending hours at the poker table means less time in the sun. If you’ve got a tan line on your wrist, it’s basically a big flashing sign that says, “Yes, I have spent way too much time indoors calculating odds and pretending to understand the intricacies of Texas Hold’em.”

So, for the sake of my mental health, freedom from regret, and to avoid awkward tan lines, I leave the wristwatch at home. Because in a casino, it’s not about what time it is. It’s about how much fun you’re having—and whether or not you’re on a winning streak.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, my phone’s buzzing. Could be my Uber. Or maybe I’ve won something. Either way, I’m definitely not checking the time.

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